Boil the Ocean

Boil the Ocean refers to an impossible task taken up by an overly ambitious company or individual given the reality of your resources. This phrase is used when someone goes overboard or makes a project unnecessarily difficult.

For example, a manager directs his employees to prepare a presentation for a business client. He insists the employees to prepare different versions of it in four different languages when the probability of someone speaking a different language is less or nill. Here, the manager might be accused of trying to boil the ocean with his command to prepare the presentation in different versions.

In addition to the term being referred to in business situations, it is often used in group settings to highlight an out-of-control discussion. To minimize the threat of such ocean boiling in group settings practicing effective meeting and discussion management helps. Also prior to a meeting, gain agreement for your proposed meeting agenda to avoid any further addition of unrealistic or unnecessary goals.

Boiling the ocean may bring down your team as it would reflect signs of inefficiency and lack of productivity when results don’t match up to their efforts. If you have a target to accomplish but you keep adding extra details to it, the idea or concept slowly starts fading out. Therefore, it is always better to break down the plan to document the scope of the project and ensure that it is understood by all parties to prevent scope creeps.

RCBS, Rajagiri Business Schools Kochi Kerala is one of the top business schools in  Kerala offers various post graduation courses MBA, IMBA, MHRM, PGDM etc. RCBS, top b schools in Kochi imparts value-based management education to its students and helps them to achieve a great career in the corporate field. Planning to do higher education in the state, RCBS, MBA colleges in Kochi Kerala is an ideal choice for you.

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