
Showing posts from December, 2018

Comparative Advertising

Comparative advertising is a marketing strategy in which a brand advertises their product/service by comparing it to that of their competitor’s. This approach involves comparison of a brand with its rival brand regarding the product’s benefits, features, value for money, price and other such attributes. Comparative advertising could be direct or indirect, positive or negative. But companies usually go by negative approach when it comes to launching their product in the market for the first time. When comparing with other brands, companies usually prepare their claims to prove the points of better quality, benefits, value for money, etc. supported by facts and not false statements.   When choosing comparative advertising, brands should be cautious enough so as to prevent any advertising of false statements. If the advertising content provides inaccurate information or misleads consumers, the brand would end up exposing themselves to lawsuits from rival brands and other regu

Share of Voice (SOV)

In online advertising, Share of Voice measures the advertising activities done by your brand towards target consumers, relative to your competitors. The measurement is calculated based on frequency, reach, impressions, ad ratings, etc. on social media platforms, blogs, websites or any other places from where your target audience can hear from brands. SOV helps in reporting brand awareness, brand equity and target consumer engagement your brand owns versus your competitors. SOV method values the quality of ads more than the quantity. In online advertising, SOV is calculated for organic and paid search and social media as well. Prior to calculations, identify the media you will be focusing on, competitors for your brand and the methodology for calculation. At times it is based on the total number of exposures versus your brand exposures or it is calculated based on total engagements versus engagements received for your brand, aka Share of Engagements (SOE). For example,

Bottom-of-Funnel (BOFU)

Bottom of the funnel strategies aims at providing prospects with a definite offer and explicit reasons to buy. These prospects have conducted their research and learnt about your brand but now need a taste of the final product. Bottom of the Funnel is the result of a response to the activities conducted in top and middle of the funnel stages. It refers to the purchase stage where prospects are provided with offers and reasons to buy the product/service. The prospect has done research and is ready to be the company’s new customer. Therefore, sales representatives should contact the “lead” directly highlighting the product to build trust between the prospect and product. The content used in the bottom of the funnel should prove the value of the purchase to the prospect. But a different level of engagement is required to convince them about their decision to purchase by initiating a sense of urgency and immediate need for the product. Activities like free trials, live demo, f

Low Hanging Fruit

The term “Low-Hanging Fruit” is often used in business settings referring to tasks that can be accomplished easily in a particular situation. In sales, it means an easily achievable target like an easy to sell product/service, targeting a prospective client who is very likely to buy the product or a problem that is easy to solve. As time management experts suggest, businessmen should avoid preoccupying on low-hanging fruits and focus on most important priorities to yield the best results. For example, Customers who regularly re-order a product requires less attention than the others. Therefore the sales representative need not arrange for occasional reminders considering their solid interest for the product. Low-hanging fruits are easily handled in the normal course of business by its employees. Businessmen or sales professionals who focus on low-hanging fruits are likely to accomplish their targets faster because they are less in number. They can move on to solve the di

MOFU (Middle of the Funnel)

Marketing funnel is the set of procedures a visitor needs to go through before they finally reach the end-conversion point and MOFU forms one of the stages of the funnel. The other two stages are ToFu (Top of the Funnel) and BoFu (Bottom of the Funnel). Widest part of the funnel is - “top,” the middle part is— “middle” and narrowest part is - “bottom”. Marketing funnel is nothing but your audience, with the top indicating everybody who is aware about your brand and product and the bottom indicating the customers who are set to buy. Every stage of the funnel is pivotal, but a part of the procedure that is often neglected is the middle. Mostly brands focus on improving the top of the funnel and the bottom and neglect the space in between. Middle of the Funnel is called the ‘consideration’ phase and it’s the stage where in actually the funnel leads can be refined. At this stage, people would be already aware about the problem and they know that, you and other competitors of y

Top of the Funnel

Top of the funnel marketing is used to refer to activities and campaigns that focus on lead generation and targeting consumers in the top portion of the marketing funnel. These activities include content marketing through social media, blog posts, paid advertising, free trials, etc. The main objective of the top of the funnel marketing activity is for lead generation and thereby converting those leads into their customers. Every marketer filters prospective customers or clients from their pool of database. The prospects who are interested in the product/ service they sell through are filtered through top, middle and bottom of the marketing and sales funnel.   People interested in the brand or product sticks on whereas the others leave the funnel, making the group smaller. The upper part of the funnel focuses on spreading awareness, educate prospects and create a brand image for the product. The key elements of top of the funnel content should be catchy, easy to understand

Emotional Sale

Isn’t every decision related to some emotion? Be it regarding your business, shopping or personal matters, we tend to believe that our decisions are taken rationally. But they are actually unaware that emotion is always a part of the decision-making process. Emotional sale refers to the process of sellers making an emotional connection between the prospective customer or client and the product he is trying to sell so as to close the sales. You can provide a ton of arguments to convince the prospect about the product’s benefits but until and unless you hit the emotional note to make them buy it, your efforts are invalid.   There are two potential approaches to emotional selling – Positive approach and Negative approach. In a positive approach, the seller highlights the positive features of the product which could cause good things to happen in the future. Whereas in the negative approach the product is presented as a cure or prevention for the prospect’s requirements or iss

Transactional Marketing

Sale and ‘nothing but Sale’ – That’s exactly what transactional marketing is all about. Unlike other marketing techniques that focus on building long-term relationships, transactional marketing focuses only on sale.   In this type of marketing technique, retailers encourage customers with shopping coupons, discounts and events to make the sale happen. It not only enhances the percentage of sales but also acts as a motivation for your target audience to buy the products. In short, we don’t boost the transactional marketing to develop their ongoing relationship with the customer, instead, Transactional marketing is to majorly maximise the business efficiency by increasing the individual SALES. The strategy is built around a single purchase and not with doing volumes. Transactional marketing has its roots in the renowned “Four P’s of marketing mix – product, pricing, placement and promotion. •    Product – This process involves of creating a quality product or service

Top 5 Risks of an Entrepreneur

How about we examine the Risk elements of being an Entrepreneur 1. No Income. What other individuals will have, yet you won't as a business visionary, is the assurance of a paycheck. All things considered, the vast majority of the general population work for this monetary security. On the off chance that you are carrying out a response, you need to offer a farewell to it and hop into a field where your profession has not yet been settled. 2. Tapping your Personal Savings. Leaving work to begin your very own business may not be such a major ordeal – depending totally on your own capital – when you don't know about the arrival on speculation can be somewhat terrifying. At the point when there is no outer store to rely upon, you need to jump into your very own Bank or potentially Savings accounts. 3. Depending on a one or more Key Employee/s. When you are beginning off your business, it is evident you can't have an entire arrangement of individuals working for

5 Reasons to Complete an Operations Management Course

Doing an Operations Management course probably won't appear as an on the evident decision to many, however, there are a few advantages of doing only that. Right off the bat, tasks the executives guarantees that an association can stay focused in a 21st-century condition. This implies the creation and conveyance of an association's merchandise or administrations are running as effectively as they can and settling zones that are esteemed wasteful. Furthermore, associations frequently find that they are looked with under-limit usage while working extra time, that they have on-time conveyance issues and that they have stock development. By utilizing somebody who has been prepared in tasks the executives, an association can spare itself from a circumstance that could result in its decay. Thirdly, an educational cost that covers tasks the board will assist you in addressing the issues referenced previously. Furthermore, it will likewise give you the devices to • measure ex

7 Qualities of a Great MBA Student

An MBA student should have certain attributes, and here, we profile the main 7 characteristics of an extraordinary MBA student: 1. Commitment and Focus:  An MBA program isn't a cakewalk, and the best understudies are the ones who are completely dedicated to the program and to their very own vocation objectives. You ought to have a reasonable thought of why you need an MBA and what you need it to improve the situation your profession. 2. Communication Skills  Any compelling business pioneer must have extraordinary communication skills, and it positively helps if those relational abilities are sharpened before beginning b-school! Extraordinary composed communication skill. 3.  Creativity A portion of the present best organizations are the individuals who think "fresh" and create shrewd answers for basic issues. An MBA hopeful ought to be exceptionally imaginative and have the capacity to concoct creative and practical thoughts for their association. 4. De